My biggest project while working with JPMorgan Chase & Co. was making artwork for their annual Employee Appreciation Week (EAW). EAW is held at all JPMorgan and Chase locations globally. Although the design process used to be up to individual locations or regions, in the past few years, the company made a push for a cohesive set of assets to be distributed for use at every branch. 

Floor Clings

These served as the welcome mats of the week. They were 3ft in diameter, and usually placed on the floor near the doors where people came into work. EAW took place in several countries, and many of the decoration designs were made to emphasize this unity. This design features a background that says “Thank You” in eleven languages. Click through the slideshow below to view my 4 floor cling designs.

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Window Clings

These decorations went up all around the offices, on any glass surface available. I made them in two types of patterns, each contributing to one of the two overall EAW design aesthetics. Click through the slideshow below to see my 6 window cling designs.

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Employees and bosses alike were encouraged to write notes of appreciation to their colleagues. Many locations provided sweet treats to distribute with the notes. Click through the slideshow below to view the note formats that I designed.

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Photo Booth Props

Many locations set up photo areas with a backdrop and a photographer, where they encouraged employee teams to take funny group pictures. In my most enjoyable assignment, I was tasked with making the props for the section. Each of these designs were cut out and put on sticks, so people could hold them up easily. For some of the props, the company requested I use an emoji art style.

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My Work in Action

Here are some photos I snapped during Employee Appreciation Week at my office. Seeing pieces I made printed out in high definition and on display was the most gratifying part of the week for me.

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